Inesoft Phone 5 is a diverse range of applications designed to help you quickly and easily manage and make the most of your Windows Mobile cell phones.Some of its innovative features include Caller ID, History, Favorites, Caller ID, Profiler and Contacts tabs.
What's included?
* Full-feature Dialer with big, one-touch buttons;
* Full-screen photos of incoming callers;
* Convenient, comprehensive Address Book;
* Custom ringtones for calls and SMSs;
* Detailed call and SMS history;
* One-touch Favorites list;
* Timetable-activated profiles;
* Volume, WiFi, GPRS and backlight control.
* Efficient, thorough Search function;
* Call filtering;
* False screen-click guard;
* High resolution contact photos;
* Full MS Outlook compatibility;
* Dual-SIM phone support (coming soon);
* And more than ninety other improvements
what new:
Inesoft Phone 5.07
Fix - hardware button press and sound and lights in some PDA from HTC.
Fix - on pda c WM6.5 now synchronized with a desktop Outlook WinXP SP3 created in Inesoft Phone contacts
Fix - error message "SafeLoadStr"
Fix - for HTC Diamond 2 when press the green hardware button. Now once is a call (off this fix can be created in the registry HKCU \ Software \ Inesoft PIM \ Settings D2Hack variable with a value of 0)
New - if the registry HKCU \ Software \ Inesoft \ PIM \ Settings - variable CID_ResetBlocked set to 0, then blocked incoming calls are missing (affects meter and a reminder of missed missed calls). By default, such calls are not considered missing.
Please uninstall old version and delete [\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Inesoft] before install this version.
Filename: Inesoft.Phone.v5.07.rar

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