Requirements: WM5-WM6.5,NET.CF

LogCalc, is the first calculator of its kind for your windows mobile device!
The fundamental functionality of LogCalc is to provide a logging history of your calculations, just like a "tape calculator"!
But not just a history of your calculations, it allows you to go back and modify, delete or add to your calculation!!!
With its unique advanced logging features, this calculator stands out of the rest by providing incredible functionality!
LogCalc overview of all features:
* Ability to modify your calculations:
o Modify the "operator" sign!
o Modify a number in the log!
o Insert a new number in-between the log!
o Remove a value (item) from your calculation!
* "Result Display":
o Visualize the result of each calculation as you perform long operations.
o This result is formatted with thousand separator! [version 2.2 update]
* All settings and preferences are now remembered and saved.
* Customize even more the log!
* Customize button AND panel colors!
* Large Log Panel.
* Large buttons for easy data input.
* Basic Operations: Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide and Percentage!
* Save Log to external file!
* Load Log from a saved file!
* Quick-Save allows you to save the log to memory quickly!
* Quick-Load allows you to load the last Quick-Saved log from memory!
* Optional Interface settings, like buttons gradient colors with glass look!
* QVGA, VGA and WVGA Display resolutions support! Now WQVGA support added! [version 2.2 update]
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